The Council completed the
Management Plan for Coral Reef Ecosystems of the Western Pacific
Region in October of 2001. On June 14, 2002 NMFS issued a Record of
Decision that partially approved the FMP. NMFS disapproved a portion
of the plan that governs fishing in the Northwestern Hawaiian
Islands (NWHI) west of 160°50' W. long. because it would be
inconsistent with or duplicate certain provisions of Executive
Orders 13178 and 13196, which together established the NWHI Coral
Reef Ecosystem Reserve. A final rule implementing the Coral Reef
Ecosystem FMP was published on February 24, 2004 (69 FR 8336).
The FMP is the nation’s first
ecosystem-based plan for fisheries and includes specific measures to
promote sustainable fisheries while providing for substantial protection
of coral reef ecosystem resources and habitats throughout the Council’s
jurisdiction. The management measures of the Coral Reef Ecosystems FMP:
Establish a network of marine protected
areas (MPA) in the Pacific Remote Island Areas (PRIA). Howland, Baker,
Jarvis Islands, Rose Atoll, and Kingman Reef have been designated as
no-take MPAs. Palmyra and Johnston Atolls, and Wake Islands are
designated as low-use MPAs where fishing is allowed under special
fishing permits. Both no-take and low-use MPAs were proposed for
the NWHI in the FMP, but were disapproved by NMFS;
Establish a special permit and federal
reporting system for controlling and monitoring the harvest of certain
coral reef ecosystem management unit species (MUS) for which there is
little or no information. Special permits are also required to
fish in all areas designated as low-use MPAs. The FMP also uses
data collected under existing local reporting systems to monitor the
harvest of currently fished coral reef ecosystem MUS;
Prohibit the use of destructive and non-selective fishing gears;
Prohibit harvesting of coral and live
rock, but allow limited take under the special permit system for
collection of seed stock by aquaculture operations, and
religious/cultural use by indigenous peoples;
Incorporate an adaptive management
approach using a framework process for rapid regulatory modifications in
the event of major changes within coral reef ecosystems or coral reef
Consider and take into account in management, the historical and
cultural dependence of coral reef resources by indigenous people and;
Identify and prioritize coral reef
related research needs for each island area, including socio-economic
and cultural research for future potential allocation of resources.
Coral Reef Ecosystems FMP
Final Rule.
Coral Reef Fishery Management Plan
Executive Summary and Table of Contents
Chapters 1-2
1) Introduction
2) Description of Coral Reef Ecosystems
Chapter 3
3) Description of the Fishery and Fishing Communities
Chapters 4-5
4) Specification of MSY, OY, and Overfishing, and Domestic Harvesting
and Processing Capacity
5) Management Regime
Chapters 6-8
6) Identification and Description of Essential Fish Habitat
7) Scientific Data and Research Needs
8) Regulations, Permit Applications, and Data Forms
Chapters 9-10
9) Consistency with National Standards and Other Laws and Policies
10) References
Appendix 1: Fishing Gear and Impacts to Essential Fish Habitat
Appendix 2: Regulatory Impact Review and IRFA