News + Announcements

Request for Proposals – Coordinate Community Engagement on Issues Related to Hawaii’s Small-boat Fisheries (proposals due by Sept. 8, 2023)

Announcements, News and Updates, Request for Proposals

The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council (Council), established through Congress under the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MFCMA) of 1976, has the responsibility for preparing management plans for those fisheries within its jurisdiction. The Council has authority over the management of fisheries in the US Exclusive Economic Zone waters off of the Territories of American Samoa and Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the State of Hawaii and U.S. Pacific Remote Island Areas.

The Council, composed of 16 public, State, and Federal members, meets at a minimum of four times a year to conduct its business. Funding for the Council is provided by Congress through grants administered by NOAA Fisheries. The Council headed by an Executive Director with administrative and programmatic staff based in Hawaii and US Pacific Island Territories. The Council is soliciting proposals for contractual services for time and materials as listed below.

CONTRACT SERVICE: Coordinate Community Engagement on Issues Related to Hawaii’s Small-boat Fisheries

CONTRACT PERIOD: The contract is expected to begin in September 15, 2023 and end March 15, 2024.

SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor will assist the Council in supporting its programs in the Western Pacific Region. Formal list of activities, responsibilities, timelines and deliverables will be provided to potential contractors through the proposal review and contractor selection process. Overall duties of the Coordinator are summarized below:

  1. Coordinate pre-engagement meetings with NMFS, State of Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources, and fishing community leaders in close coordination with Council staff;
  2. Develop and hold a series of engagement meetings with the small-boat fishing community on Hawaii fishery issues;
  3. Work with Federal and State fishery agencies to gather information to inform development of documents, presentations and outreach materials to support public engagement.
  4. Assist the Council in developing background management paper, informational documents and outreach materials for public scoping; and
  5. Provide regular reports to the Council staff and Executive Director.

ELIGIBILITY: The potential Contractor must:

  • Have a detailed working knowledge of the Magnuson-Steven Act and other statutory authorities as related to fishery and marine resource management and conservation in the Pacific Island Region;
  • Be familiar with the purpose, role and responsibilities of the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council;
  • Have detailed working knowledge of and relations with the local fishery agencies, federal fishery agencies, and fishing and seafood communities in the Western Pacific;
  • Have working knowledge of the US Pacific Islands, communities, culture and natural resources;
  • Have detailed working knowledge of small-boat fisheries and the fishing community in Hawaii;
  • Have demonstrated ability and expertise to efficiently work independently; and
  • Be available to start in September 2023 and complete the contract in March 2024.

REQUIREMENTS: The contractor will work independently and coordinate with the Council program staff to meet deliverable timelines. Proposals will be evaluated on a competitive basis based on the eligibility criteria as stated above. Selected contractor begin contract on September 15, 2023.
HOW TO APPLY: Proposal submissions should include a proposal including the following items (maximum 3 pages): a. Name, affiliation, and contact information of the principal contractor(s); b. Brief statement addressing the qualifications and requirements as stated; c. compensation rate; and d. a curriculum vitae or resume for each project participant.

Proposals may be submitted by e-mail (attach materials in PDF files) to or regular mail to: Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council 1164 Bishop Street, Suite 1400 Honolulu, HI 96813.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Proposals will be welcome until September 8, 2023 or until a contractor is engaged.

Click here for a printable PDF.

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