The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council (Council), established through Congress under the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MFCMA) of 1976, has the responsibility for preparing management plans for those fisheries within its jurisdiction.  The Council has authority over the management of fisheries in the US Exclusive Economic Zone waters off of the Territories of American Samoa and Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the State of Hawaii.

The Council, composed of 16 public, State, and Federal members, meets at a minimum of four times a year to conduct its business.  Funding for the Council is provided by Congress through grants administered by NOAA Fisheries. The Council headed by an Executive Director with administrative and programmatic staff based in Hawaii and US Pacific Island Territories. The Council is soliciting proposals for contractual services listed below.

CONTRACT SERVICE: Document Development Specialist

CONTRACT PERIOD: The contract is expected to start January 2, 2025 and end December 31, 2025.

SCOPE OF WORK: The contractor will work closely with Council staff to develop documents for fishery management decisions and gather pertinent literature and data for the impact analyses. The contractor will draft discussion papers on fishery issues that the Council will be exploring to determine if an amendment is warranted. If warranted, the contractor shall work with Council staff on the development of the options paper and amendment document with the associated Environmental Assessment and powerpoint for presentations.

The contractor shall also develop the 2024 Archipelagic (American Samoa, Marianas, Hawaii, and Pacific Remote Island Area) and Pelagic (Domestic and International) Annual Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report. The contractor shall coordinate with the Council’s Archipelagic and Pelagic Plan Team members to develop the modules and compile the various chapters into their respective reports. The Contractor shall also update the online portal of the reports at

ELIGIBILITY: The potential contractor must:

  • Have a demonstrated familiarity, knowledge, and experience working with the fisheries in American Samoa, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Island, Guam, Hawaii, Pacific Remote Island Areas, and Pacific Pelagics;
  • Have a demonstrated understanding and knowledge of data and literature sources on Western Pacific fisheries;
  • Have a demonstrated experience and knowledge of developing Options Paper, Amendments, and Annual Reports;
  • Have a demonstrated experience and knowledge of the NEPA process and development of environmental analysis;
  • Be able to work independently and communicate effectively with the Council and NMFS partners; and
  • Be available to start the project in January 2025 and complete the project by December 31, 2025.

REQUIREMENTS: The contractor will work independently and coordinate with the Council program staff to meet deliverable timelines. Proposals will be evaluated on a competitive basis based on the eligibility criteria as stated above. Selected contractor begin contract on January 2, 2025.

HOW TO APPLY: Proposal submissions should include a proposal including the following items (maximum 3 pages): a. Name, affiliation, and contact information of the principal contractor(s); b. A brief statement addressing the requirements as stated; c. Budget; and d. a curriculum vitae or resume for each project participant.

Proposals may be submitted by e-mail (attach materials in PDF files) to or regular mail to: Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council 1164 Bishop Street, Suite 1400 Honolulu, HI 96813.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Proposals will be welcome until December 25, 2024 or until a contractor is engaged.

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