Press Releases
Press Release – US Should Refuse Any Quota Reduction for Hawaii Bigeye Tuna, Fishery Council Says
HONOLULU (18 October 2013) The United States should not accept a reduction in the bigeye tuna limit for the Hawaii longline fishery, according to the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council, which concluded a four-day meeting in Honolulu today. Authorized...
Press Release – Scientists, Managers to Consider Proposed Bigeye Quota Reduction
HONOLULU (04 October 2013) The port of Honolulu consistently ranks as one of the nation’s top 10 fishing ports in terms of value landed. The reason is the sashimi-quality bigeye tuna landed by the Hawaii longline fleet. This fishery is recognized globally as a model...
US Pacific Island Federal Fishery Managers Address Overfishing of Internationally Managed Fisheries, Increase Quota for Hawaii Bottomfish
HONOLULU (28 June 2013) The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council concluded its three-day meeting today in Honolulu on federally managed fisheries in Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) and other US...
Scientists Recommend Increasing the Hawaii Bottomfish Quota for 2014 – Press Release
HONOLULU (21 June 2013) Scientists who provide advice on the management of federal fisheries in Hawaii and other US Pacific Islands are recommending a 6 percent increase in the 2014 quota for deep- water bottomfish in the main Hawaiian Islands. The Scientific and...
2013-2014 Fishery Catch Quotas and Striped Marlin Overfishing Trend on Agenda for Federal Fishery Scientists, Managers – Press Release
HONOLULU (17 June 2013) Each year since 2011, federal fishery managers have been required to set annual catch limits (ACLs) for all federally managed fish stocks with a few exceptions. During this week and next, the scientists and managers responsible for setting the...
2013-2014 Fishery Catch Quotas and Striped Marlin Overfishing Trend on Agenda for Federal Fishery Scientists, Managers – Press Release
HONOLULU (17 June 2013) Each year since 2011, federal fishery managers have been required to set annual catch limits (ACLs) for all federally managed fish stocks with a few exceptions. During this week and next, the scientists and managers responsible for setting the...
Successful Managing Our Nation’s Fisheries Conference Brings Together Diverse Voices
Successful Managing Our Nation’s Fisheries Conference Brings Together Diverse Voices Washington, D.C., May 9, 2013 — The Managing Our Nation’s Fisheries 3 conference wrapped up today on a successful note, with conference participants developing 128 findings for...
Distinguished Speakers Open Fisheries Management Conference
DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS OPEN FISHERIES MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE WASHINGTON, DC (08 May 2013) Rep. Doc Hastings (R-WA), Eric Schwaab representing the Obama Administration, Chef/Host Barton Seaver of In Search of Food and Deadliest Catch skipper Keith Colburn opened the...
Fishers Forum for Pago Pago Bay
3-11-13 Fishers Forum for Pago Pago Bay
2012 Press Releases
12-18-12 Press Release: Western Pacific Fishery Management Council Mourns the Passing of Senator Daniel Inouye 10-31-12 Press Release: Federal Fishery Managers Recommend 2013 Catch Limits for US Pacific Islands 10-30-12 Press Release: Fishery Managers Address...