Press Releases

Press Release – Modern Recreational Fisheries Management Act Implications in the Western Pacific Region (10 January 2019)

HONOLULU (10 January 2019) On the last day of 2018, President Trump signed into law the Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Management Act (S. 1520), also known as the Modern Fish Act. The bill, which had been stagnant since its introduction in 2017, was pushed through by the efforts of the same coalition of sports fishing organizations […]

Press Release – Federal Managers Delay Final Recommendations on Leatherback and Loggerhead Sea Turtle Interactions with Hawaii Swordfish Fishery (Dec. 18, 2018)

The fishery is scheduled to reopen on Jan. 1, 2019, with allowable interactions of 26 leatherbacks and 17 loggerheads. Should either interaction level be reached, the fishery will close for the remainder of 2019, unless the biological opinion currently in development allows for higher interaction levels and NMFS implements new regulations. The current leatherback level […]

Upcoming Events

7:00 pm American Samoa Archipelago FEP A...
American Samoa Archipelago FEP A...
Mar 18 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Tedi of Samoa Bldg., Suite 208B, Fagatogo Village, AS March 18 (T) 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (SST) Hyrbird Meeting via Webex: Event number (if prompted): 2865 580 2283 Event password (if prompted): ASAP0318mtg[...]
all-day 202nd Council Meeting @ Hilton Hawaiian Village
202nd Council Meeting @ Hilton Hawaiian Village
Mar 25 – Mar 27 all-day
Location: Hilton Hawaiian Village, Coral Ballroom, 2005 Kālia Rd, Honolulu, HI 96815 To access the meeting via Webex, click link below: Event number: 2862 841 9101 Event password: CM202mtg (26202685 from phones) 202 Council Meeting[...]