Press Releases
Press Release – U.S. Pacific Fishery Managers Urge Increase in U.S. Bigeye Tuna Quota at Upcoming Multilateral Meeting, Support New Industry-Backed Shark Conservation Measures (03 December 2020)
HONOLULU (03 December 2020) The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council supported the U.S. proposal to revise the conservation and management measure for tropical tunas, which expires in February 2021, and increase the U.S. bigeye tuna quota by 3,000...
Press Release – Scientists Set Acceptable Biological Catch for American Samoa Bottomfish, Recommend Rebuilding Plans for American Samoa and Guam Bottomfish (01 December 2020)
HONOLULU (01 December 2020) The Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) of the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council concluded its two-day virtual meeting today. Key outcomes addressed the American Samoa and Guam bottomfish fisheries and measures to...
Press Release – Scientists Recommend Improved Mitigation Measures for Protected Species (30 November 2020)
HONOLULU (30 November 2020) Scientists overwhelmingly supported a proposal from the Hawaii Longline Association (HLA) to voluntarily switch to monofilament leaders to promote protected species conservation. The Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) of the Western...
Press Release – New Publication Showcases History of U.S. Pacific Billfish Fisheries and Their Management (30 November 2020)
HONOLULU (30 November 2020) The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council has released the second of seven new issues in its historical Pacific Islands Fishery Monographs series. Each monograph looks at some of the most important federal fisheries and...
Press Release – Scientists to Set Acceptable Biological Catch for American Samoa Bottomfish and Consider Rebuilding Plan Options (24 November 2020)
HONOLULU (24 November 2020) Scientists from throughout the Pacific will meet Nov. 30 to Dec. 1, 2020, to discuss fishery management issues and make management recommendations for fisheries in the Western Pacific Region. The meeting of the Scientific and Statistical...
Press Release – WPRFMC Spotlights the History of Hawai‘i Lobster Fishery in Latest Publication (10 November 2020)
HONOLULU (10 November 2020) The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council has published the first of seven new issues in its historical Pacific Islands Fishery Monographs series. Taking a deep look into the history and current state of some of Hawai‘i’s most...
Press Release – Community Stakeholders Discuss Issues Key to Sustainable Fisheries (5 November 2020)
HONOLULU (5 November 2020) The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council recently convened three virtual meetings in its continued efforts to support regional and local fishing and seafood communities. The meetings highlight the Council’s emphasis on...
Press Release – Nation’s Fishery Management Councils Recommend Ways to Support American Seafood, Improve Coordination with National Marine Fisheries Service (25 September 2020)
HONOLULU (25 September 2020) Leaders of the nation’s eight Regional Fishery Management Councils concluded their second biannual meeting in 2020 yesterday by videoconference. The Council Coordination Committee (CCC) meeting provides the Councils and heads of the NOAA...
Press Release – Federal Fishery Managers Agree to Longline Electronic Reporting, Preliminary Hawai’i Grey Snapper Limits (18 September 2020)
HONOLULU (18 September 2020) Yesterday, the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council concluded its 2020 third-quarter meeting with the following recommendations and actions, among others. The Council is mandated by Congress to manage the fisheries offshore...
Press Release – Council Identifies Priorities for US Pacific Island Fishery Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief (16 September 2020)
HONOLULU (16 September 2020) The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council, meeting virtually this week, recommended actions the Trump Administration could take to promote seafood competitiveness and economic growth and to provide regulatory relief to...