Press Release – CNMI Governor Palacios Urges President Biden to Respect Pacific Island Communities at Fishery Management Council Meeting (28 March 2023)

SAIPAN (28 March 2023) CNMI Governor Arnold Palacios opened the 194th meeting of the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council yesterday expressing his views on President Biden’s direction to the NOAA secretary of commerce to consider designating a national...

Letter from Congresswoman Radewagen to DOI Secretary Haaland and DOC Secretary Raimondo about Proposed Designation of Marine Sanctuary for the Pacific Remote Islands, Mar. 23, 2023

Letter from Congresswoman Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen to DOI Secretary Haaland and DOC Secretary Raimondo opposing the Proposed Designation of Marine Sanctuary for the Pacific Remote Islands, Mar. 23, 2023. Click here for the letter. Get Connected, Stay Involved!...

Letter from Governor Palacios to J. Armor, NOAA ONMS about removing the Marine Sanctuary nomination for the Mariana Trench, Feb. 4, 2023

CNMI Governor Arnold Palacios sent a letter to John Armor, NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries following up on the previous administration’s request for the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) to remove the Mariana Trench nomination from the sanctuary...