Kaua‘i Small Boat Fishery Diversification Project Report now available (May 23, 2023)

Hawaii Archipelago, News and Updates

Molly Lutcavage and Clayward Tam, Pacific Islands Fisheries Group, recently completed a Kaua‘i Small Boat Fishery Diversification Project sponsored by the National Marine Fisheries Service. The objective of the project was to identify and evaluate a range of possible approaches to diversify or increase market share and business opportunities for the Kaua‘i small boat fleet, which mainly consisting of part-time anglers, and faced new distribution challenges during the pandemic. The authors used web-based workshops and expert panels to gather community insights and successful diversification strategies, resulting in the creation of http://www.AhiHubKauai.org and www.FishToday.org as resources for future diversification efforts and to support Kaua‘i’s local food and culinary resources.

Click here for complete report.