Grant – 2020 Pacific Islands Region Sustainable Recreational and Non-Commercial Fishing Program (Due April 10, 2020)

Grants, News and Updates

Federal Funding Opportunity: NOAA-NMFS-PIRO-2020-2006315
Due Date: Proposals must be received by, postmarked, or provided to a delivery service by 5:00 p.m., Hawaii Standard Time, on Friday, April 10, 2020. 
2020 Pacific Islands Region Sustainable Recreational and Non-Commercial Fishing Program
The NOAA Fisheries Pacific Islands Regional Office (PIRO) recognizes the fundamental role that recreational and non-commercial fishing serves in the culture and livelihoods of Pacific Islanders. This competition seeks to support recreational and noncommercial fishing projects in the PIR that improve sustainable fishing opportunities, maintain stability of fish stocks, and protect cultural fishing traditions. We are seeking projects conducted within Hawaii, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or American Samoa. 
Recreational and non-commercial fisheries in the region are major economic contributors to coastal communities and have important social and cultural significance through the perpetuation of subsistence and traditional fishing practices. Regular harvest of marine resources for non-profit distribution within fishing communities (customary exchange) and sale of portions of catch to defray expenses are common practices. The region also has both well-established and growing for-hire recreational fishing opportunities available through deep-sea charter boats, guided reef fishing, and eco-tourism.