News + Annoucements

FR Notice – Extension of Emergency Measures To Address Fishery Observer Coverage During the Coronavirus Pandemic (Sept. 21, 2020)

Federal Register Notices


National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.


Temporary rule; emergency action extended.


NMFS extends this temporary rule (also referred to herein as “emergency action”) to provide it with authority to continue to waive observer coverage requirements. NMFS is taking this action to address public health concerns relating to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. The intended effect is to provide the waiver mechanism necessary to respond to the ongoing public health emergency. This action also authorizes NMFS to waive some training or other program requirements to ensure that as many observers are available as possible while ensuring the safety and health of the observers and trainers.


The expiration date of the emergency measures to address fishery observer coverage during the Coronavirus pandemic published on March 27, 2020 (85 FR 17285) is extended through March 26, 2021.


Michael Ruccio at 978-281-9104.

Click here for complete FR Notice.