Outreach Materials
- Council Process Guide, 6th Edition
Printable Brochures below
Advisory Panel Brochures
- 2023-2026 American Samoa Advisory Panel Brochure
- 2023-2026 Hawaii Advisory Panel Brochure
- 2023-2026 CNMI Advisory Panel Brochure
- 2023-2026 Guam Advisory Panel Brochure
Council 101 Handouts
- Get Involved in Our Council Process
- What Does Our Council Do
- Who Are the Decision Makers?
- From an Idea to Implementation
- What Happens at Council and Advisory Group Meetings?
Fishery Data
- How Does the Council Work with Fishermen to Collect Good Fishery Data?
- 2019 Using Life History to Improve Stock Assessments Display
Fishery Ecosystem Plans
- American Samoa Archipelago (English)
- Mariana Archipelago (English)
- Hawai`i Archipelago
- Pacific Pelagics
- Pacific Remote Island Areas
Know Your Fisheries Brochures
- Know Your Fisheries: American Samoa Commercial Vessels
- Know Your Fisheries: American Samoa Inshore and Recreational Fishing
Protected Species Brochures
- History of Protected Species Conservation in US Western Pacific Fisheries
- Nesting Beach Conservation: A Community-Based Approach to Sea Turtle Recovery in the Pacific (596KB pdf)
- Green Sea Turtles of the Pacific Islands (596KB pdf)
- Integrated Management for the Conservation of Protected Species in Longline Fisheries (464KB pdf)
Anti-litter Campaign Posters
Bottomfish Posters
General Council Posters/Displays
- WPRFMC 50-Year Milestones Display
- Council Guiding Principles
- MSA Fishery Council Poster
- National Standards for Fishery Conservation and Management
Fishermen Code of Conduct Posters
- American Samoa Fishermen’s Code of Conduct (in Samoan)
- CNMI Fishermen’s Code of Conduct (in English)
- CNMI Fishermen’s Code of Conduct (in Chamorro)
- CNMI Fishermen’s Code of Conduct (in Chuukese)
- CNMI Fishermen’s Code of Conduct (in Refaluwasch)
- Hawaii Fishermen’s Code of Conduct (in English)
- Hawaii Fishermen’s Code of Conduct (in Hawaiian)
- Guam Fishermen’s Code of Conduct (in English)
- Guam Fishermen’s Code of Conduct (in Chamorro)
Indigenous Posters
- 2019 Hinahanaiakamalama Hina (Lunar Calendar Companion)
- 2014 First Stewards
- Traditional Samoan expression about fishing and weather
Seafood Handouts
- Seafood Products Imported Directly to Hawaii
- Selenium in Ocean Fish Protects Against Mercury
- Where Seafood in Hawaii Originates