FR Notice – Proposed Rule Implementing Pelagic FEP Amendment 10 (Sea Turtle Limits in the Hawaii Shallow-set Pelagic Longline Fishery) and Request for Comments (20 March 2020)

News and Announcements FR Notice – Proposed Rule Implementing Pelagic FEP Amendment 10 (Sea Turtle Limits in the Hawaii Shallow-set Pelagic Longline Fishery) and Request for Comments (20 March 2020) AGENCYNational Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National...

FR Notice – Notice of Availability for Pelagic FEP Amendment 10 (Sea Turtle Limits in the Hawaii Shallow-set Pelagic Longline Fishery) and Request for Comments (23 Jan. 2020)

News and Announcements FR Notice – Notice of Availability for Pelagic FEP Amendment 10 (Sea Turtle Limits in the Hawaii Shallow-set Pelagic Longline Fishery) and Request for Comments (23 Jan. 2020) Action Notice of availability of a fishery ecosystem plan...