Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Bottomfish and Seamount Groundfish
Fisheries in the Western Pacific Region became effective on August
27, 1986 (51 FR 27413). Initial bottomfish fishery management
measures prohibited certain destructive fishing techniques,
including explosives, poisons, trawl nets, and bottom-set gillnets;
established a moratorium on the commercial harvest of seamount
groundfish stocks at the Hancock Seamounts, and implemented a permit
system for fishing for bottomfish in the waters of the Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ) around the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI).
The plan also established a management framework that provided for
regulatory adjustments to be made, such as catch limits, size
limits, area or seasonal closures, fishing effort limitations,
fishing gear restrictions, access limitations, permit and/or catch
reporting requirements, as well as a rules-related notice system.
The following tables contain management measures, including
amendments, framework
actions, and NMFS-initiated
regulations. Annual Reports
can be found at the very bottom.
Amendment |
Federal Register
Notice / Effective date |
Description of Action |
14 |
73 FR 18450 |
bottomfish overfishing in the Hawaiian Archipelago by implementing a
total allowable catch limit (TAC), federal non-commercial permits
and reporting requirements, non-commercial bag limits and a closed
season for fishing for Deep 7 species in the Main Hawaiian Islands.
It also defined the Main Hawaiian Islands bottomfish fishing year as
September 1-August 31, and became effective April 1, 2008 (73 FR
18450) with the permit and reporting requirements effective as of
August 18, 2008 (73 FR 41296). |
11-13 |
Amendments 11-13 were intended to address various issues which have
now become moot due to changing circumstances. |
10 |
73 FR 75615 |
commercial fishing for bottomfish from vessels greater than 40' long
in waters 0-10 miles around the Southern Islands of CNMI and 0-10
miles around the Northern Island of Alamagan. Commercial
bottomfishing vessels over 40' long must carry active VMS units
owned, installed, and maintained by NMFS. Also, the operators of
all vessels commercially fishing for bottomfish in EEZ waters around
CNMI must obtain federal permits and complete federal logbooks. |
9 |
71 FR 64474 |
vessels greater than 50' long from targeting Bottomfish species
within 50 miles of Guam and required these vessels to obtain federal
permits and to submit federal logbooks effective December 4, 2006
(71 FR 69496). |
8 |
71 FR
53605 |
Included federal waters around CNMI and the Pacific Remote Island
Areas in the Bottomfish FMP. Implemented federal permitting and
reporting requirements for bottomfish fishing in the PRIA effective
1/2/07 (71 FR 69496). |
7 |
69 FR 8336 |
Developed in parallel with the Coral Reef Ecosystems FMP. Prohibited
harvest of Bottomfish and Seamount Groundfish Management Unit
Species (MUS) in the no-take marine protected areas established
under the Coral Reef Ecosystems FMP. The Coral Reef Ecosystems
established such areas around Rose Atoll in American Samoa, Kingman
Reef, Jarvis Island, Howland Island, and Baker Island. The final
rule implementing the Coral Reef Ecosystem FMP (including Amendment
7 to the Bottomfish FMP) became effective 3/25/04. |
6 |
64 FR 190678/5/03
68 FR 46112 |
new requirements under the 1996 Sustainable Fisheries Act. Portions
of the amendment that were immediately approved included
designations of essential fish habitat, and descriptions of bycatch
and of some fishing communities. Those provisions became effective
on 2/3/99. Remaining portions approved on 8/5/03,
included provisions regarding
Hawaii fishing communities,
overfishing definitions, and
bycatch. |
5 |
64 FR
22810 |
Established a limited entry program for the Mau Zone in the NWHI
with non-transferable permits and landing requirements for permit
renewal. Included in requirements was attendance by the primary
vessel operator at a protected species workshop. Also established a
Community Development Program (CDP) under which 20% of Mau Zone
permits are reserved for CDP participants, as well as instituting a
maximum vessel length of 60' for replacement vessels in the Ho’omalu
or Mau Zones |
4 |
56 FR 24351 |
a requirement for vessel owners or operators to notify NMFS at least 72 hours before
leaving port if they intend to fish in a “protected species study
zone” that extends 50 nautical miles (nm) around the NWHI to allow federal observers to be placed on board
bottomfish vessels to record interactions with protected species if
this action is deemed necessary |
3 |
56 FR 2503 |
Defined recruitment overfishing as a condition in which the ratio of
the spawning stock biomass per recruit at the current level of
fishing to the spawning stock biomass per recruit that would occur
in the absence of fishing is equal to or less than 20%. Amendment 3
also delineated a process by which overfishing would be monitored
and evaluated. |
2 |
53 FR 29907 |
Divided the EEZ around the NWHI into the Ho'omalu and Mau zones. A limited access system was
established for the Ho’omalu Zone, with non-transferable permits and
landing requirements for permit renewal and for new entry into the
fishery. Access to the Mau Zone was left unrestricted, except for
vessels permitted to fish in the Ho’omalu Zone. New entrants to both fisheries must complete a protected species
workshop prior to receiving permits. |
1 |
52 FR 38102 |
Effective November 11, 1987.
Established a system to allow implementation of limited access
systems for bottomfish fisheries in EEZ waters around American Samoa
and Guam within the framework measures of the FMP. |
Framework |
Federal Register
Notice / Effective date |
Description of Action |
1 |
69 FR 51400 |
Extended the moratorium on harvesting seamount groundfish from the
Hancock Seamount by another six years until August 31, 2010 because stocks were still
considered to be overfished. |
Action |
Federal Register
Notice / Publication date |
Description of Action |
Specification |
FR 6998
MHI Deep 7 bottomfish total allowable catch (TAC) specified for the 2008–09
fishing year of 241,000 lb (109,316 kg) effective March
16, 2009. When the TAC is projected to be reached, the noncommercial and commercial Deep 7 bottomfish fisheries
will be closed until
the end of the fishing year (August 31, 2009). During a fishery
closure for Deep 7 bottomfish, no person may fish for, possess, or
sell any of these fish in the MHI, except as otherwise authorized by
law. There is no
prohibition on fishing for or selling other non-Deep 7 bottomfish
species throughout the year.
Proposed Specification |
73 FR 75057 |
At the Council’s
request, NMFS issued a proposed notice of specifications for the
MHI Deep 7 bottomfish fishery that
would implement a TAC of 241,000 lbs for the 2008-2009 fishing year. |
Rule |
73 FR 50572 |
At the Council’s
request, NMFS issued a temporary rule delaying the
reopening of the MHI Deep 7 bottomfish fishery until November 15, 2008 to allow NMFS to update its stock
assessment prior to Council action to recommend the 2008-2009
fishery TAC.
Rule |
73 FR 18717 |
At the
Council’s request, NMFS issued a temporary rule closing the MHI Deep 7
bottomfish fishery
effective April 16-31, 2008, because the
2007-2008 fishing year’s TAC had been reached. |
Rule |
72 FR 27065 |
At the
Council’s request, NMFS issued a temporary rule due to overfishing
that closed the MHI Deep 7 bottomfish fishery from May 15 -
September 30, 2007 to immediately address overfishing while a long-term management plan was developed. |
Presidential Proclamation |
71 FR 36443 |
June 16, 2006 President Bush established the NWHI Marine National
Monument by issuing Presidential Proclamation 8031. The monument prohibited commercial fishing bottomfish,
among other actions, after June 15, 2011. The
above restrictions are not applicable to persons who are not
citizens, nationals, or resident aliens of the United States
(including foreign flagged vessels) unless in accordance with
international law. |
Date |
70 FR 40305 |
At the
request of the Council, NMFS issued a control date of June 2, 2005 to notify persons who entered the bottomfish fishery
that occurs in EEZ waters around the MHI after
that date that they would not necessarily be assured of continuing
participation if a limited entry program was subsequently
implemented for the fishery. |
Notice of Overfishing Determination |
70 FR 34452 |
2005 NMFS notified the Council that overfishing was occurring on the
bottomfish multi-species complex around the Hawaiian Archipelago and
requested the Council to take appropriate action to end overfishing. The Council was informed that the
MHI was where overfishing was primarily occurring and
was likely that reducing fishing mortality in this area would be the
most effective means to end overfishing. |
June 1998, the State of Hawaii implemented several management
measures for bottomfish in the state waters of the Main Hawaiian
Islands (Hawaii Administrative Rule, Chapter 13-94). Because
bottomfish are managed under the FMP on an archipelagic-wide basis
and because there are bottomfishing grounds in federal waters that
are adjacent to state waters, these measures directly impact the
stocks managed under the Bottomfish FMP. The new rules applied to
seven species of bottomfish and included gear restrictions, bag
limits for non-commercial fishermen, closed areas, and a requirement
that all bottomfishing vessels be registered with the state |
Rule |
63 FR 35612 |
Extended the moratorium on harvesting seamount groundfish from the
Hancock Seamount another six years until June 29, 2004. |
Final Rule |
8/17/98 |
Extended the moratorium on harvesting seamount groundfish from the
Hancock Seamount another six years until August 17, 1998 (57 FR
36907). |
- 2005 Annual Report*
Bottomfish Fisheries of the Western Pacific Region 2005 Annual Report is
available in pdf format. Copies of the plan are also available on hard
copy or CD.
* Note: The 2005 Annual Report has been reformatted from the previous year. The report is restructured to include the island area modules into the report and includes new sections on the description of fisheries by island area. |
- 2004 Annual Report
Bottomfish Fisheries of the Western Pacific Region 2004 Annual Report is
available in pdf format. Copies of the plan are also available on hard
copy or CD. |
- 2003 Annual Report
Bottomfish Fisheries of the Western Pacific Region 2003 Annual Report is
available in pdf format. Copies of the plan are also available on hard
copy or CD. |
- 2002 Annual Report
Bottomfish Fisheries of the Western Pacific Region 2002 Annual Report is
available in pdf format. Copies of the plan are also available on hard
copy or CD. |
- 2001 Annual Report
Bottomfish Fisheries of the Western Pacific Region 2001 Annual Report is
available in pdf format. Copies of the plan are also available on hard
copy or CD. |