The Council
has 13 voting members and three non-voting members. A chair and four vice
chairs (one from each island area) are elected annually by the Council
Council members must balance competing interests while trying to
make decisions for the overall benefit of the nation. Council members
are advised by the Council's advisory panels and committees, Council
staff, the public, states and territories, academia and the National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).
Eight members who are nominated by the governors of Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa and CNMI and selected by the Secretary of Commerce:
- Manuel Duenas, Guam Fishermen's Cooperative Association (Guam)
- Edwin Ebisui, fishermen (commercial) (Hawaii)
- Stephen Haleck, business owner (hotel and gas station) (American Samoa)
- Julie Leialoha, Wao Kele O Puna
Forest Reserve (Hawaii)
- Mike Goto, United Fishing Agency Ltd. (Hawaii)
- McGrew Rice, commercial & charter fisherman (Hawaii)
- Richard Seaman, education and outreach specialist (CNMI)
- William Sword, recreational fisherman/civil engineer/manager
(American Samoa)
Four designated state officials:
- William Aila, Hawaii Dept. of Land & Natural Resources
- Mariquita Taitague, Guam Dept. of Agriculture
Dr. Ruth Matagi-Tofiga, American Samoa Dept. of Marine & Wildlife Resources
- Arnold Palacios, Acting Secretary of CNMI Dept. of Land and Natural Resources
Four designated federal officials:
- Mike Tosatto, Pacific Islands Regional Office, National Marine Fisheries Service
- TBD, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
- RAdm RADM Charles W Ray, U.S. Coast Guard 14th District
- Bill Gibbons-Fly, U.S. Department of State
Standing Committee
American Samoa Archipelago Ecosystem
Stephen Haleck, Chair
- Mike Goto
William Sword
Dr. Ruth Matagi-Tofiga
- Manny Duenas
Arnold Palacios, Chair
- McGrew Rice
Charles Ray
- Bill Gibbons-Fly
Stephen Haleck
Julie Leialoha
Mike Goto
- Michael Tosatto
Executive and Budget
Manuel Duenas, Chair, Guam
Stephen Haleck, Vice Chair, American Samoa
Edwin Ebisui, Vice Chair, Hawaii
Arnold Palacios, Vice Chair CNMI
Fishery Rights of Indigenous People
Hawaii Archipelago & PRIA Ecosystems
Charles Ray
McGrew Rice
Edwin Ebisui, Chair
Julie Leialoha
Mariana Archipelago
Richard Seaman
- Arnold Palacios, Chair
- Manny Duenas
- Mariquita Taitigue
Pelagic & International Ecosystems
Mike Goto, Chair
Charles Ray
- Arnold Palacios
- Bill Gibbons-Fly
- Edwin Ebisui
- Michael Tosatto
- Dr. Ruth Matagi-Tofiga
- Manny Duenas
Program Planning & Research
- William Sword
- Michael Tosatto
- Edwin Ebisui
- Dr. Ruth Matagi-Tofiga, Chair
- Mariquita Taitigue
Financial Disclosures for Nominated